With heavy rain expected on the Isle of Man during Saturday evening, and with some further rain anticipated on Sunday 23rd of July, conditions for riders taking part in Gran Fondo Isle of Man powered by Santander International may be more challenging than normal.

Please note the following information:

  1. The Gran, Medio and Piccolo Fondo’s will start as scheduled on Sunday 23rd of July at 0930hrs, 0945hrs and 1000hrs respectively.

  2. All the routes are well manned and managed by a team of organisers, marshals, stewards and medics, coordinated by an experienced Race Control Team who will collectively aim to ensure your safety and enjoyment.

  3. Given the weather conditions additional caution is required, particularly when descending. The descents are marked with warning signage as a reminder.

  4. Some of the descents feature cattle grids, which could lack adhesion. Treat these with particular care.

  5. Rear lights must be fitted to the bikes of all riders in the Gran and Medio Fondo’s and are recommended for use by riders in the Piccolo Fondo. High visibility clothing is not mandatory but is advisable.

  6. The events are held on mainly closed roads but do feature some transitional sections of open road. These sections are marked with signage and the normal rules of the road apply. 

  7. We don’t expect it to be cold with temperatures forecast to get up to around 18 degrees. However there are a number of long descents where your body temperature could drop considerably if wet, so please carefully consider your riding kit for the day.

  8. Eat and drink regularly. There are two Feed Zones (one for Medio Fondo) where you can supplement your own food and drink supplies as necessary.

  9. GPX files for each event can be downloaded from our web site at If you aren’t familiar with the routes we suggest you download to your bike computer if possible. However the routes are well signed with directional arrows.

  10. Riders in our events need to be mechanically self-sufficient. We recommend carrying what you need to repair a flat tyre as a minimum.

  11. If you experience any problems during the event that necessitates outside assistance, please contact Race Control on 01624 830860 or speak to a marshal or steward. Please carry a phone and ensure the Race Control number is added to your contacts. If you abandon the event for any reason, please advise Race Control that you have done so.

  12. Ensure you have a dry change of clothes at the end to change into. Anyone wishing to leave a bag at the start can do by delivering to Race HQ in the Riders Village. Please note bags are left at your own risk.  

With the local weather forecast continuing to improve for Sunday, we are looking forward to a great set of Fondo’s and we are here to help with any questions you have before and after the event.

The Riders Village will open at 0800hrs on Sunday and be open throughout the event, and the prize presentations will be taking place there as scheduled, alongside live coverage of Le Tour de France on our big screen.

See you on the start line!